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"Should I Stay or Should I go"

September 13, 2019

So, this phenomenon I call marriage has not been "the best thing since sliced bread", I'm gonna be real, it's not the bed of roses I had once envisioned it to be. The fact is, Marriage is a collaboration of intellect, emotions, goals, desires, and strength. Every marriage is different, my parent's marriage (now divorced) is not my marriage, neither are my aunts and uncles marriages. My husband and I did not have a long dating/engagement time, in fact, after about 3 weeks of hanging out he boldly stated what my future was going to be "God spoke to me and said you will be my wife", to his surprise I laughed in his face but to my surprise, 3 months later I said "I do"... ain't that just crazy? Well, here we are going on twelve years and counting, I can't say I didn't want to give up and can I be honest, I almost walked out of my marriage just last year. The toll infertility has taken on me became too much for me to bear and I didn't want my husband to waste any more years on me than he already did. I was buggin' out, I gave him a "Hall Pass" (permission to procreate with another woman) he turned it down and told me to have several seats, in a petty fashion I counted several seats in our home and sat in all of them, one by one. My husband was not amused. I later decided I was to have an affair and maybe, just maybe I would get pregnant but God had other plans, I had neither the opportunity or the guts to step out on my marriage, I knew it wouldn't change my infertility, I was being irrational. My only other option was to leave. I packed my stuff and was ready to brave the world newly single, just like "Sex in the City", all of this was to happen before my husband got home from work. Unfortunately, God stepped in yet again and curved my plans. I actually could go anywhere because I needed to pick my husband up from work, we only had one car, then I had to run over to the middle school and pick up my son Michael. Dinner wasn't cooked so, I had to rush to the store and snatch a few things, by the end of all this, my desire to leave my marriage was long gone and it was business as usual. I decided to stay.